3 min readFeb 25, 2022



“Another dead body has been discovered nearby the location of the previous murder case. Observing the wound pattern, it is assumed to be the work of the night hunter. Victim is a male in his early 20’s. He was wearing a black hoodie with a mask covering his face. Citizens have identified the victim to be a local thug of the area. He was even jailed a few times before for crimes of drug abuse and trafficking.

As for the night hunter, we have yet to find any clues that could give us a hint on who he really is. The police have yet to arrive in the area and further analyse the murder.

Stick with us for more news regarding this fresh new case. This is Sohani Khatri with cameraman Bijaya Gurung, Kantipur Television.”

I was awakened by the noise of the television. The light of the sun lit up a portion of my room through the gaps of the window curtains and the alarm clock on my table read 8:43 AM. I got up and slid the curtains open to see the view outside.

My phone rang. It was my colleague. I received the call, “Good morning.”

“DID YOU HEAR?”, he shouted through the phone, ringing my ears like a heavy hammer hitting a large gong.

“What did I hear?”

“There was a murder nearby the same area where we were returning home last night.”

“Yes, I can see it on the news.”, I said as I yawned and rubbed my eyes. My clothes were all around the place and it looked like someone destroyed my room last night.

“How can you be so calm about this? It could have been either one of us instead, to die at the hands of the hunter.”

“I think we were lucky enough to escape then. Are you going to work?” I asked, picking up my coat from the floor and hanging it on the hanger.

“No, I am terrified and cooped up in my bed today. I have already informed the manager that I am taking a sick leave.”

“Well, I need to get ready for work. I will see you tomorrow then. Goodbye now.”, I hung up the phone.

The mess was going to take up a long time to clean. I just thought of cleaning it up after the office that day. I needed to prepare to go to the office. So, I went into the kitchen, grabbed some apples and bananas and put them in a plastic bag as lunch for the office.

“Where is the knife?”, I thought. Then, I remembered where I kept it last.

I walked up to the coat I hanged earlier and took out the knife from its inner pocket. The blade of the knife was covered in red. Surely, I cannot cut fruits like this. So, I took it to the kitchen and washed it clean with the dishwasher that promised a hundred percent germ free kitchen.




Music Enthusiast, Guitarist, Software Engineer, Writer